
Dual Status Alien Discovers Global Tax Law Firm

From a young age, Orion lived and breathed technology. He built his own website at the age of 9. He preferred spending time alone reading books at the library and coding on his computer. Science fiction might have popularized stories about humans becoming friends with artificial technology, but Orion bonded with computers long before the connection became a topic of fascination for the general public.

For Orion, the computer was always there, waiting to be turned on and waiting to be untapped. With every stroke of the keyboard, Orion was an architect, an artist, and a visionary. Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa and Michaelangelo sculpted David; Orion molded and shaped code into sophisticated software.

In his freshman year of college, he dropped out to join his friends on an adventure that would become his life’s work. The technology developed by the 3 amigos, including Orion as the Chief Technology Officer, blossomed into a platform used by people around the world. 

Eventually, Orion and his co-founders were traveling and building their business across borders. What started out of a shared downtown apartment became a global empire. The pals became world travelers and global citizens. They were hired to appear and speak at international events. 

Orion had spent more time than ever outside of the country in recent years. His career had taken him to countless countries around the world, and in the process, he had become a dual citizen of the United States and Mexico. But that meant more complicated tax filings, ensuring he remained compliant with United States tax laws, avoided legal penalties and fines, and fulfilled his tax obligations without overpaying. 

It was getting more complex. He knew, however, that calculated tax planning would allow him to leverage certain tax benefits as a dual citizen and dual status alien. Questions swirled through his mind. Where should he begin? 

Suddenly, his executive assistant knocked on the door to remind him of his next meeting. His days were often filled with back-to-back meetings. Orion’s expertise was in technology, not in taxes and the law. He realized he needed international attorneys to guide him through tax laws as a dual citizen and dual status alien, especially when it came to understanding tax treaties and tax benefits like Foreign Earned Income Exclusions (FEIE) and the Foreign Tax Credit.

Right there and then, he asked his executive assistant to set up a meeting with the best international tax professional. 

“As you know, I have been living and working outside of the country for quite some time. I need more legal counsel in accounting for my personal and business taxes as a dual citizen and dual status alien. I would like to work with a reputable tax law firm that specializes in international tax and business in the U.S. and Mexico.”

His executive assistant discovered a foreign tax law firm with offices in both countries.

Orion’s success and prominence in the industry was now bigger than it ever was. His personal brand was now earning him multiple, multinational streams of income as an independent expert. With experienced and passionate tax law experts, he felt more confident than ever in continuing his rise.